- Physical activity for pregnant women ( this links to an infographic about physical activity in pregnancy.
- Pregnancy: how to help protect you and your baby – GOV.UK ( this takes GPs to leaflets about pertussis vaccination in pregnancy in 29 languages plus braille, audio and large print – scroll done to get the full list of languages available.
- Whooping cough and pregnancy poster – Health Publications: this link is for one of the UKHSA posters about pertussis vaccination in pregnancy.
- High blood pressure in pregnancy ( the Action on pre-eclampsia APEC charity website has many resources; this page takes you to the decision tool for professionals and women about treatment of blood pressure in pregnancy, and to the link for which blood pressure medications to consider.
- Downloadable patient information on pre-eclampsia – Action on Pre-eclampsia ( 2 APEC leaflets explain a) why blood pressure and urine is checked during pregnancy, as well as essential information on pre-eclampsia; b) postnatal recovery from pre-eclampsia and medical management that follows. Available in 24 languages.
- Drugs and Lactation Database (LactMed®) – NCBI Bookshelf ( this is the link to Lactmed, for prescribing in breastfeeding (not patient-facing option).