Health Promotion / Lifestyle Interventions
Encourage a plant-based or vegetarian diet.
Eat seasonal vegetables (healthier, cheaper, fresher & tastier).
Suggest a meat-free day each week for meat eaters.
Bring packed lunches from home to reduce packaging waste.
Use herbs grown at home or in a community garden.
Choose local & seasonal products to reduce food miles.
Active Travel / Exercise:
Walk, cycle, or use public transport when possible.
Carpool to reduce vehicle emissions.
Consider electric vehicles for a greener commute.
Enjoy local parks & outdoor spaces for exercise.
Encourage patients to stop smoking to benefit both health & the environment.
Women’ health:
Long-acting reversible contraception reduces monthly bleeds.
Recommend bamboo-based rather than sanitary products (more sustainable).
Consider reusable pads & menstrual cups where safe & appropriate.
Holiday / Travel:
Enjoy local green spaces.
Use public transport when possible.
Fly less, aiming to reduce air travel per year.
Carry reusable bags, water bottles & coffee cups while traveling.
Energy Efficiency:
Turn off lights & appliances when not in use.
Switch to LED bulbs to save energy.
Boil only the water needed & cover pots to reduce cooking energy.
Run washing machines or dishwashers only when fully loaded.
Consider installing solar panels for renewable energy.
Draft-proof homes to save energy & reduce heating costs.
Encourage digital communication to reduce paper waste.
Consider switching to ethical banks & building societies that support sustainable projects.
Waste Reduction:
Use reusable water bottles, coffee cups & bags.
Avoid single-use plastics whenever possible.
Encourage recycling of items like clothes, shoes & paper.
Reduce food waste by planning meals & composting organic waste.
Use both sides of the paper for printing & reuse non-confidential printouts as scrap paper.
Provide guidance on the optimal use & proper disposal of inhalers.
Advice patients to return unused, unwanted, or expired medications to pharmacies rather than flushing them or disposing of them in general waste.
Career / Activities:
Encourage reflection on how patients can reduce their carbon footprint in their work or daily activities.
Suggest tree planting initiatives, such as the Plant-for-the-Planet project.
Promote joining local sustainability groups, like Greener Medicine or Extinction Rebellion.
Support community gardening in shared spaces.
Share ideas in a regular newsletter for continued learning & community engagement